How To Fair Your Face Fast And Naturally At Home

In today's life fair skin has become one of the most demanding topics because everyone wants a fair skin face and yes, it is very important to look good in today's world. 
So, guys today I will talk about how to fair your face by applying some methods in your daily life routine.

Why Our Face Skin Becomes Dark and Oily?

sun exposure is one of the most common causes of darkened and oily skin. 

Energy from the ultraviolet rays of the sun is absorbed by melanin as a normal way to protect the skin from overexposure.

But we can get rid of this by just follow some methods mentioned below.

How To Fair Your Face ?

Fair and healthy face is always a first priority of a person because we all want a fair face so read and follow my points carefully to get fair face.

So some points about how to fair your face are as follows:-

1) Cleaning Your Face With Face Wash.

Cleaning your face with face wash is very important to point most people follow This but some people also ask how and when we use face wash in a day. 

So, the best time to apply face wash in a day is two times a day is enough for best results in the morning you can wash your face after wake up and in the evening you can wash your face when you came at home.
How to fair your face, how to get fair skin,

Don't use soap on the face for a better result because usually, we use soap on our different parts of the body and sometimes that soap also used by another person by using that soap directly on face causes pimples and some other diseases.

Use face wash according to your skin example:- if your face is oily than using oil-free face wash will be very beneficial for your face.

And if your face is dry than any face wash will be good.

2) Drinking Water.

Water is a very essential substance for our body it is also very good for hair and healthy lifestyle drinking water will directly affect on our skin.

According to science and study Up to 60% of the human adult body is water, The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. 

The skin contains approximately 64% water even muscles and kidneys are 79%, and at  the end bones are contain water: 31%.

According to some scientists, an adult body should definitely drink 3.5 to 4.5-litre water in a day.

3) Try To Avoid Sunlight.

As I said above sunlight is not good for our skin or face. Avoiding sunlight will definitely help to fair your face.
How to fair your face, how to get fair skin,

You can apply sunscreen lotion on your face for protecting your skin against ultraviolet rays which are come directly from sunlight.

Some best sunscreen lotion for 2020:-

4) Massage Your Face Skin.

Massaging your face at least 2 times a week example on Wednesday and Sunday will give a better result to fair your face.
Massaging skin is very helpful for all types of skin and it is very good to get fair skin.

Best cream for massaging your face are:-

5) Aloe Vera.

According to studies, Aloe vera is the best natural resource for our body, hair and skin.
By applying directly from the plant is also beneficial to our body.
How to fair your face, how to get fair face
Source:- Google| Pickpik

If you apply aloe vera in your skin at night and wash your face in the morning will give a better result to get fair skin.

Try 3 times a week will give a better result.

6) Eat Nutrition-Based Foods.

Everyone knows eating healthy food is good for our body and skin.

A healthy diet is very important to fair your face and even for our body, there should be Nutrition in our breakfast, lunch and dinner food.

Healthy food means nutrition-based food like macronutrients, micronutrients etc.

7) Apply Lemon And Honey Mask On The Face.

Cut a lemon and squeeze take two tablespoons then take a half tablespoon of honey mix both well then apply it to your face leave it for half an hour then rinse it with little warm water.

Try 2 to 3 times a week will give a better result to get fair skin.

8) Apply Rosewater On Your Face.

Rosewater is flavoured water made by steeping rose petals in water.

Rosewater is very beneficial for face skin to reduce dark spots and darkness and gives a light skin.

Take 2 tablespoons of rosewater with a piece of cotton wet cotton in rosewater then wash your face with that cotton smoothly will give a better result.

Thanks for giving your beautiful time to read my blog on how to fair your face.

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